Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Analogous VS Monotone

Color theory is simply amazing and finds itself becoming the backbone of every single painting I ever endeavor whether I first realize it or not.
A recent discovery enlightened me with the difference between painting with an analogous color scheme (colors that are similar such as red and orange) and a monotone color scheme (one color with different amounts of saturation and value). I ventured out to make a painting last night and began with my usual method of covering an area with one color of paint and then using my eraser tool, on a very low saturation, to slowly lift out the lighter parts to create depth. Once I looked at it, plain and flat as it was, I remembered an artist I've adored for years now (www.loish.net) and studied her work for a moment. Her colors are so vibrant, how does she do it? As the image to the left will show you, there certainly is a main color (a neutralized peach in this case) but then several colors are mixed in to create light and shadow. Look at the darker lips - they have violet mixed into them. Look at the highlights on the face: they have a pinch of orange. I took this advice and tried it on my painting. I have never been so in love with my own work before! I can't wait to show you what I'm making!

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