Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sock Gnomes WIP 4

It has been a gruelling night and morning of working on my paintings. All year I haven't had the time or motivation to dedicate myself to painting like I had wanted to and so of course I had forgotten most of what I had learned both from college and personal experience. One important (I'd even go so far as to say vital) thing I had forgotten is the importance of making a color chart of your chosen paints to understand their hues, values, properties and how they interact with each other. It cuts all the mystery out of the whole process and help you go much faster because you know the tools you're working with. That'll be my goal for today.

Of the 4 paintings I attempted this is the one I dislike the least. Still, it's nowhere close to the quality I'm aiming for. No need to worry though, I'll only improve.

I'm also considering adding detail to their clothing, especially thread (where it was sewn together) and maybe a few trinkets and decorations. Just when I thought I was almost finished...

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