Friday, January 13, 2012

Sock Gnomes

Sock Gnomes are curious little creatures who love playing tricks on humans. They live in our homes and, you guessed it, steal our socks. But why only socks and why only one? That is the story I hope to share in a book I'm working on (along with several others).

There are 2 different versions of the story I'm deciding between. In one story - a poem, actually - the Sock Gnomes are simply introduced with a brief explanation as to why they are the way they are. The other story gives less insight into their daily lives but goes into depth as to how they came to be. I'm trying to combine these 2 things into one story, but I'm finding writing does not come to me nearly as easily as drawing does. Why do I still do it then? I supposed because I love to torture myself... and I love writing.
  Sock Gnomes resemble children with thin limbs, large heads, hands and feet, pointed ears and round sparkling eyes. Their hair, skin and eyes come in all varieties of colors.

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